Friday, March 23, 2012


Dear Friends, Welcome to my blog.  I have been writing for years; poetry, short stories and journals, and  it is time to share with a wider audience.  My darling daughters, Mariko, D'aria Rose, and Athena have had to put up with lots of this information, and survived quite well, so I hope that other gentle readers will fare the same. My first book, Lucid Death - Conscious Journeys Beyond the Threshold, will be published (at last) in a short time.  I will announce it's arrival here and on my web-site:  www.
     The book is a series of hypnotherapy sessions of past lives, deaths and rebirths, as illustrations for the journey of the soul after death within various religions and in different centuries. Included in the book are two versions of a "conceptual matrix" - Esoteric Christian  and Tibetan Buddhist.  I have found it exceedingly helpful, as I mature and gather knowledge, to have a grid or framework in which to relate and synthesize  diverse bits of information.  There is a cosmic overview and a microcosmic fractal which are useful in organizing thoughts and perceptions.
     I am claiming my capacity for spiritual perception - clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.  These are gifts which came with me at birth.  I have since, for most of my life, discovered and created  practices, meditations, and prayers which have honed the gifts to abilities, and opened  supersensible organs of spiritual perception.
     My journals are the record of my spiritual experiences and research.  Anthroposophy, the body of work of Rudolf Steiner, has furnished the basis for my own personal explorations into the spiritual worlds.  I will post on this blog, pertinent journal entries.  May they serve the gentle reader well.  If anyone would care to comment, I will receive such, gladly.  If anyone has spiritual perceptions which either support or refute anything  posted here, again, I will receive such, gladly.  The idea of scientific validation of spiritual insight is  necessary, and I welcome dialogue in this regard. Over the years, I have developed a methodology for entering and exploring the spiritual worlds, and  following issues and questions to conclusion.  I would love to share these and know of other's developments in practical application of spiritual science.
     So, again, Welcome.  * Love * JOY * Peace * Kienda *


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